These Boots were made for walking……..

…..and riding, exploring continents, going off to war, the list is endless. Cordings boots were worn by the great and good for over a century, famously both the Queen Mother and Mrs Simpson commissioned a pair, and Mr Stanley confidently strode off to find Dr Livingstone wearing leather Cordings boots.
The canvas and leather ‘Newmarket’ boot in the window, half submerged in a glass tank, became so famous that not only was it part of the London taxi drivers ‘knowledge’ but it was the subject of correspondence in the Telegraph letters page, as late as 2004!
Sadly Cordings no longer make them, but examples of the boots showing the immaculate craftsmanship you would expect from Cordings, can still be seen around the store today. The old workshop, in the basement with its parquet floor is still there, and the carefully written ledgers, with details of boot orders are to be found in the ladies room.
Three examples of Cordings Boots held at the store in Piccadilly.
Workers making boots in the Cordings workshop.